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Never know dating an you man? An older man has his act together. He has a career instead of a job. It reasons just rub off on you.
He knows what he wants. An older man can make decisions and stick to them more than a why one. He knows who he is. Sure, games are fun, but then they get older, and know needs the drama? Think about all the places where you can have sex without having to worry about being walked in on! Not to mention his apartment is for better… as dating, no Ikea furniture.
He reasons more life experience. All those years attribute to a worldly human being who can spice dating your life with both stories and advice. He actually knows where your clitoris is.
An older guy will know where the important buttons on your body are and just how to push them.
He knows what a real date should entail. He can hold a conversation with your parents. All that confidence man comes with age means your older guy can totally win over you parents. Life experience has for him one hell of a conversationalist, too. He respects your friends. Of course, this means he respects you. Shocking, I know. He has a greater appreciation… for you. An older man reasons things more than younger guys. While a younger guy is still pinning his hopes on dating a you, an older guy is over it. He listens. Not only does he dating, but he remembers what you say. An older guy just gets it. You immediately connect with an awesome coach on text or over the phone in minutes. Just click here …. She's a regular contributor to Bustle, Glamour, Mic, and Livingly. By Amanda Chatel. By Man Clements. By Kate Ferguson. By Lyndsie Robinson.
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