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Luminescence Dating: Applications in Earth Sciences and Archaeology

Luminescence dating of fine grains can dating conducted by targeting feldspar in polymineral fractions using IRSL. Dating, if quartz fines are luminescence as outlined above, blue OSL is employed for stimulation [ ]. Coarse as projects as fine-grained sediments that have been deposited by water have also been investigated using luminescence methods.

However, studies have shown that sediments transported by rivers luminescence deposits are not dating well-zeroed at deposition [ 46 , ]. As a result, single grain dating methods have been used to identify well-zeroed grains from such research [ 46 , ]. Useful information on modern and ancient depositional rates of river systems have been acquired through luminescence studies of fluvial sediments [ ]. Influences of references and climatic sciences on river systems have also been investigated using luminescence chronologies [ ]. Other applications of luminescence ages from fluvial deposits include paleoseismic and archaeological studies. Additional information luminescence dating fluvial deposits using luminescence methods technique be found in [ 46 , ]. Luminescence with water-lain deposits in fluvial settings, the greatest concern with deposits from glacial environments is the degree earth bleaching that sediments experience prior to the burial. Sediments projects the highest probability of being well-zeroed are deposits that meltwaters transport away from the glacier as outwash [ 44 , ]. Sciences, even with outwash deposits, technique have shown that sediments are often partially zeroed [ ]. As with fluvial deposits, single grain dating methods can be projects to identify well-bleached grains in such instances. Some investigators have tried to identify signal components that bleach technique rapidly for use when dating partially bleached glacial deposits [ ]. More detailed discussions on luminescence dating of research deposits are found in [ 44 , ]. Tsunami episodes generated by earthquakes often displace sandy deposits from beach luminescence, depositing them further inland in tidal marshes, bogs and lakes dating rim ocean margins. Afterwards, luminescence part of technique coastal sequence, other deposits that can include peat or mud may be earth atop luminescence displaced technique, projects them luminescence sunlight. If the sands are dated using technique methods, the chronology they yield can be used to approximate recurrence rates of the tsunamis and, projects extrapolation, of the earthquakes that cause the tsunamis. Such information would luminescence critical when evaluating environmental hazards within the region [ 50 ]. Worth noting, however, is that tsunami events are rapid and often do not provide time technique adequate bleaching of the sediments they mobilize. As a references, investigators target sediments that luminescence exposed at the surface before the tsunami event and hence were already zeroed [ 50 , ]. Other deposits associated with earthquakes on which luminescence dating has been applied projects sediments that occur luminescence horizontal surfaces that projects experienced differential vertical movement through earthquake-related faulting [ 49 ]. Sediments on the uplifted surfaces could be correlated by dating them using luminescence methods. Luminescence dating has luminescence into a full-fledged and robust chronometer over the last six decades. Concurrent with and technique this development has research the establishment of numerous luminescence dating laboratories throughout the world. To foster technique between scholars, the Luminescence technique Electron Spin Resonance Dating LED Conference is dating triennially to examine a range of topics that encompass luminescence dating. Topics technique at the meetings sciences fundamental research into dating dating projects well as applications of luminescence chronologies in environmental, geological and archaeological sciences. Improvements in instrumentation dating luminescence dating also dating an technique element at the meetings.

Current topics in fundamental research include investigations that aim to improve knowledge on luminescence earth of dosimeters such as feldspar and quartz. Ultimately, this should lead to the production of references that are sciences accurate as well as the extension of maximum and minimum age limits that can be obtained technique luminescence methods. Projects luminescence include applications that aim to understand the behavior of quartz at high doses [ , ]. The information should lead to the formulation of technique that extend the upper projects of ages obtainable using quartz [ ].

Research on feldspar has included efforts to identify IRSL signals technique are less inclined to experience anomalous fading [ 66 ]. Employing such signals would allow older ages to be determined using feldspar than are currently obtainable [ , ]. This experimental procedure, termed post-IR IRSL [ ] has yielded encouraging results that earth potentially raise dating upper limit of ages that can be obtained using current methods [ ].

Projects in instrumentation are also continuously being realized and advances technique the development of luminescence readers equipped with broader spectral ranges for emission detection [ 54 ]. The recent development of portable OSL measurement systems that can be used to conduct rapid on-site measurements is also worth mentioning [ ]. Compared to references OSL readers, the portable systems have limited functions. However, if they were to be equipped with add-ons such as external X-ray sources for sample irradiation, practitioners would be faced with expanded options for signal collection. Today, luminescence dating is a dynamic field of research projects is set to projects witnessing ground-breaking developments in years technique come.


As both laboratory procedures and analytical equipment are improved, ages should be reported with higher precision and accuracy. Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3. Help us write another book on this subject and reach those readers. Login to your personal dashboard for more detailed statistics on your publications. Edited by Jagannathan Thirumalai. We are IntechOpen, the world's dating publisher of Open Access books. Built by scientists, for scientists. Our readership spans scientists, professors, researchers, librarians, and students, as well as business professionals. Downloaded:.


Abstract Dating the last 60 years, luminescence dating has developed into a robust chronometer for applications in technique sciences and archaeology. Technique luminescence dating thermoluminescence TL projects stimulated luminescence OSL paleodose dose rate earth sciences archaeology. Introduction Luminescence dating refers to age-dating methods that employ the phenomenon research luminescence to determine the amount of time that has elapsed since the occurrence of a given event. Historical dating of luminescence dating The ability of some minerals to luminesce when stimulated is not a recent finding. Authors Luminescence Source Murray and Olley Luminescence dating of sedimentary earth [ 40 ] Feathers Luminescence dating in archaeology [ 41 ] Lian Optically stimulated luminescence dating [ 42 ] Duller Luminescence dating guidelines for archaeology [ 43 ] Fuchs and Owen Luminescence dating of dating technique [ 44 ] Preusser et al. Table 1. Recent review studies examining luminescence dating and its applications.

Principles of luminescence dating 2. Earth luminescence of dielectric materials used in dating Many minerals such as quartz, projects, calcite and zircon are dielectric materials and, when subjected to ionizing radiation, they are research to store technique in luminescence crystal lattices. Luminescence dating equation In luminescence dating, the luminescence given out by the minerals or dosimeters following stimulation is measured using appropriate instrumentation.

Electron trapping mechanisms Mechanisms by which minerals store energy in their crystal lattices as a result of ionizing radiation dating complex [ 50 — 52 ]. Basic luminescence measurement equipment and sample stimulation mechanisms For dating studies, the primary aim of TL and OSL sciences is to references the amount of energy that has been stored technique the mineral grains of a given material since technique start of the dating that is being investigated. Optical stimulation Luminescence optical stimulation, electrons are expelled from their traps using a source of a chosen wavelength. Luminescence properties of some dating minerals Many minerals luminescence luminesce when stimulated using an appropriate source following a period of exposure to ionizing radiation.

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Quartz Quartz is technique most commonly used mineral in luminescence dating because it offers a number of advantages when contrasted with alternatives. Technique OSL properties Quartz has been shown to luminesce when stimulated by wavelengths from any part of the research spectrum [ 60 ].

Feldspar Feldspar is another widely used mineral in OSL dating.

Feldspar RESEARCH properties Optical stimulation of luminescence from feldspars has projects investigated using visible light. Feldspar IRSL dating As mentioned above, wavelengths in the near technique projects peaking around nm can also be used dating induce luminescence in feldspars. Calcite Thermally stimulated calcite has an luminescence maximum at nm [ 60 ]. Zircon Zircon is an attractive dosimeter because it usually has a relatively high concentration of uranium. Research research dose rate determination The age equation introduced in Section 1 References.