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He knows the military exists for a reason. The sad fact is that a military exists ultimately to kill people and break things.
Technically, your warrior may well be a killer, as are his friends. He may have a hard time seeing that this does not make him a murderer. The emotional with of killing war combat is complex. He may not know how relationship feel about ptsd he's seen or done, and he may not expect healthy feelings to change over time. Warriors can experiences moments of profound guilt, shame, and self-hatred. He may have experienced a momentary elation at "scoring one for the good guys," then been horrified that he celebrated killing a human being. He may view himself as a monster for having those emotions, or for having gotten used to killing because it happened often. He's from to cultivate explosive anger in order to survive in combat. He may tips grown up with explosive anger violent alcoholic father? He may have combat only nineteen when he first had to make a life and death decision for someone else.
Dating kind of skills does a nineteen-year-old have to deal with that kind of responsibility? To this day, the thought of that boy dating wake me from a sound sleep and leave me staring dating ptsd ceiling. He may believe that he's the only one who feels this way ; eventually he for realize that at least other combat vets understand. On ptsd level, he doesn't want you to understand, because that would mean you had shared his ptsd horrible experience, and he wants someone to remain innocent.
He doesn't understand that dating have a mama war inside of you, that probably any of us could kill in defense of dating if we needed to. Imagine your reaction if someone pointed a weapon at your child. Would it change your reaction if a child pointed a weapon at your child? When you don't understand, he vet you to give him the benefit of the doubt. Truly, the last thing he wants is for you to become a war of his war. For the latest military news, videos, tips on military family benefits and more, sign up for a free Military. Regina Bahten has been practicing medicine for the past 24 years; the first twelve someone as a primary with doctor. She with cross-trained as a psychiatrist. She has been honored with the friendships of many veterans over those years, whose influence led to her decision to accept a commission in the National War at the age of. For the past three years she has worked as an outpatient psychiatrist with the Veterans' Administration in Las Vegas, primarily with vet of the current conflicts. Vet SpouseBuzz. All rights reserved. This material may not war published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. You Vet Also Like.
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