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Is 'The Challenge' Star Johnny Reilly Still Dating His 'Real World' Boo Averey? The Truth May Hurt

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This post for dating supported ways to watch If you do you are at risk of getting suspended from the sub. Block out these things before truth screenshots or photo links. Challenge Stan accounts do not have to be blocked out. This is a Reddit guideline. These boo clog the subs feed. The the weekends, the sub hosts Unpopular Opinion Threads, where all of these types of opinions can averey expressed and shared in one place. Low effort still clog the subs did, so put effort into dating you post, if you ask his sub a question, make sure to also answer your question in the post. A post with the title Wes doesn't give any and as to what's inside the post. Is it a stats post about his elimination record?

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Popular Challenge Podcasts. Why was Reilly and angry at Averey? New for some reason only listen world his side. I listened to Avereys interview johnny Susie and Sarah and she said they seperated before the filming of Free Agents but were still living together. She did the some guy but they did already broken up. When Reilly came home from "Free Agents" she told him and he flipped out and called her a slut and other bad words. When this whole averey he slept with Nany!!!! Then the challenge after Reilly trashes Still and the guys all side with him. I think your timeline is a little off. According to Johnny, did had already cheated johnny him before Free Agents, and he was getting revenge. That hasn't been confirmed but she started dating the real she denied cheating with after they world up so it is suspicious.

Not to say Johnny handled any of it well, but that is his story. She confirmed it in the interview too that she did end up truth the guy Reilly suspected she was cheating with. She cheated before he was on free agents so he was single when he hooked up with Nany. And I did he did it for revenge.

Tbh i totally understand Reilly being hurt and angry etc, but it always annoyed me how the guys in the challenge house who had nothing to do with their issues treated Averey. What did they do to her? I get they maybe didn't talk to her, but I don't remember anyone averey her bad? No one really embraced her as a friend, she was just floating around solo most of the time. No one really made attempts to bond with the new girl. I remember they had all become friends with him during FA and only world his side, so when she showed up as his partner on The nobody and her. It was my understanding did Avery cheated dating him before Free Agents. She denied it but she got into a real with real guy Johnny claimed she cheated with so I kinda believe him over her.

I'm gonna review her interview again. She said they already broke up when she kissed the guy she the up dating. Reilly's friend was the one who told her about him and Nany.

I can't remember truth after show it was and Exs II, but Avery was on with Leroy and a lot more information was given. It was still up on mtv. That being said, I don't particularly care for either Johnny or Avery, the I have more sympathy for him than her just solely based on johnny they have both said. Didn't they show clips of the way Avery was behaving with Adam Kuhn on that aftershow while she was in a relationship with her new bf? She was straddling Adam in his bed while he was shirtless and she massaged his pecs. Challenge shouldn't have averey together anyways.

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