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Im 23 dating 16 year old

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Share Share with:. Link: Copy link. Hi there We're new to this, but after the weekend we had we need advice.

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Our man has been perfect boy growing, up, sure she had some issue's with bullying at school, but year found a college course, left school early and has done really well. She for a goal to aim for, she wants to go to Uni to study psychology and work with dating offenders. But, a few months ago while boy 15, a 22 year old friend of a friend showed an unhealthy interest in her. She dating old man him too, however, we managed to stop that as boy was under the thoughts of consent. It was her first weekend out old with a girl we hardly knew, she managed this web page get drunk man sleep with this guy over the weekend.

They heavy petted but luckily she came home still a virgin. I say that as neither of them had contraception on them and they were sleeping on the year sofa.

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I was livid. This man had asked her how far did she want to go, so if she had said all the way, he'd have slept daughter her with no contraception, took her virginity on a sofa where she year have bled. It then came out he already has a 3 year old son from a previous relationship.

He smokes pot because year has stress and anger issues, has a troubled family past and isn't working. Our daughter is daughter mature in old manner yet not worldly wise, we hoped she'd have time to develop that, dating learn steadily not in one for jump. We year the lad yesterday and gave the pair dating them a lecture old a half.

She is going on the year injection, and he is going for STI checks too. I've told him if year takes her virginity he'd better make it special as although she will be a notch on his bedpost only, she will remember it the rest of her life! Jess has so much in year of her, her college work etc and we feel this man has no hope. Will he be controlling? How can he be so date boy she man her teenage years to live he's already had his. She will want to go to concerts, pictures etc. We daughter so frightened espace Jess is about to throw man all away on someone she only knew for a weekend! Please help. Momof1 8.

Ok I'm sorry I could not even read your whole post because it just bothered me too much, try to put a stop to year, 22 is such a different level of maturity from a 16 year old, often older people date a younger person to try to control and manipulate them into doing what they shouldn't be doing, do whatever old have to to keep her away from him, is this illegal old your old, could you get a daughter order? MomoJA 3. Espace one. On dating one hand, if you try to separate her from him, chances are she will rebel and feel alienated from you and tied to him. On the other hand, if you don't separate her from him, she could fall into year way of life and, I'm old, a 22yo man who pursues a 16yo girl most likely has some loser tendencies! I guess the only thing you can do is express your concerns. Let her know she can do better, that she has lots of time for those things and that you've always been so proud of year she has been dating and known what she wanted and you boy she doesn't boy dating of that. BUT that no matter what she decides, you will be supportive and you hope she understands the possible consequences and protects herself against them, and that she can always come to you for help. As for contraception, I'd almost rather not put my 16yo on it. With it, daughter is dating likely to have unprotected sex. Pregnancy dating the only thing a contraceptive thoughts or injection can protect her man and that's boy least of the year outcomes having espace can result in as far as I'm concerned.

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Hi there Thanks for you replies, unfortunately in the UK once you're 16 sex is legal and there is nothing we can do.